Roanoke Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt Certification and Training
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Training methods are not unusual to be divided into levels or options that can be classified according to what they teach. LSS is an example of this, and it makes it easier for people interested in training to determine and identify the best option for them. Our team at Lean Six Sigma Curriculum for Roanoke High School Students of Virginia is available to business students and professionals. To help everyone get started, we offer Yellow Belt Training & Certification.
Before we go into the details of this methodology’s various levels, let us first define what a belt means.
Lean 6 Sigma uses “belts” instead of regular words to describe levels. A “belt” is a combination of color and a word, and it indicates the level in the methodology and all your formation in terms of education and in what you can get certified. The outline of the methodology and what you can accomplish will change depending on this.
Most companies and experts, including us, follow karate belts, which is why people choose to start with the yellow belt, which is reasonable considering the order in which the colors and belts are ordered for the sport, but it is more about what you learn in this level so you can scale without any issues or difficulties to the other levels.
The yellow belt is still considered the introductory level today, and t is n to professionals and students alike.
Although the white belt is the most basic, it does not make you an expert nor allow you to take on certain roles. Most companies do not offer this option for this very reason. You learn but can’t do anything when it comes to working with LSS.
The Certificate and Yellow Belt Training will introduce you to the fundamental aspects of the method. This training prepares you for project participation and adds value; it takes about the same time as a white belt but offers more benefits.
Lean Six Sigma Curriculum Pros of Roanoke also has a great way to teach this belt. We can teach it in groups or one-on-one, so it doesn’t depend on your school, organization, or company.
We can help schools and businesses create programs for their employees or students, or you can count on us to provide training that is tailored to your needs.
What Individuals Learn from the Yellow Belt
Only experienced professionals can provide training. You should ensure that those you rely on have been certified by international organizations.
You can rely on us to provide the knowledge and certification you need as we have followed ad complied with all standards and our own certifications.
Our company has provided this training for many years. We have worked with all LSS organizations, and all year round, to have our certifications recognized world
wide. The yellow belt is usually completed in one to two weeks, depending on how much online training you have had and whether you can attend classes in person. You have the option to take this course online or in-person, after all, and the idea isn’t to change the outline or time, but it is a fact that one could take longer than the other.
Our team can schedule classes at different times depending on your availability as well.
Keep in mind, however, that no matter how you choose to use this method, a yellow belt should always serve as your starting point and that it is necessary to move up to a green belt, so you cannot skip it no matter who says it.
This applies to higher levels as well, since the belt that is before the one you want or need will also be considered.
This course outline is designed to help you understand the basics of how to do this:
- DMAIC basics.
- Data collecting.
- Principles and concepts.
- Six Sigma’s most important tools.
- Report and measurement.
- Terminology.
- History of Lean Six Sigma.
- How to work with LSS

How To Get Your Certificate with Us
You must pass at least one exam to receive your Yellow Belt Certificate. You can take this exam as soon as your training is over or a few days later.
Students at college and high school have enough time to finish the process without feeling rushed. Business professionals will also benefit from this time and how we work around your schedule.
You can still apply to become certified even if your training has not been completed by our team, but you will need to pass the exam in order to meet the requirements and show compliance with the method.
Contact us for more information and to inquire about yellow belt training that is specific to your case.